Thursday 29 April 2021

AR VR Training for Manufacturing: Infusing a Safe Culture of Immersive Training

If you want your manufacturing operations to run like a well-oiled machine, then it is quite imperative to incorporate effective and efficient training procedures. Everything works fluently if each and every employee drastically understands their tasks and knows what they are doing, how it is being done, and how it adds to the bigger picture. What helps more is providing your employees with AR VR training for manufacturing before they actually step on the floor or on the field.

AR VR Training for manufacturing

Virtual reality in manufacturing industry has immense capabilities and can enhance the whole training process to only make it cheaper, safer, and better. Moreover, AR VR training for manufacturing is a whole lot easier to access, and if given the right amount of time, it can make every employee master their operations and improve their overall performance. Immersive technology is revolutionizing the way the workforce is trained in manufacturing units nowadays.

The unique opportunities provided by AR VR training for manufacturing saves a significant amount of training costs while providing a safer and effective environment. The workforce training with AR VR is now gaining steam in the manufacturing industry. About more than 43% of manufacturers think to believe that industrial training module in AR VR will become the go-to technologies for their operations in the coming period of 5 years.

While most people do have an idea about what augmented and virtual reality technology is, however it carries a lot more potential than we have ever realized. Without the related costs or the risk factor, AR VR training for manufacturing provides you with all the benefits of reality. As the Industry frontline worker training with AR VR can be done wherever you want to, it still gives you an experience of training in a physical plant. Let’s know some benefits that AR VR technology provides in training.

  • Eliminating Exposure to Danger & Harm

Augmented reality training in manufacturing industry can easily diminish the risk factors and dangerous circumstances. Virtual reality can immerse the workforce into realistic three-dimensional situations that they may never have seen before. Moreover, the AR VR training for manufacturing can teach them how to respond to dangerous circumstances if they are exposed to the same on the job. Due to the adequate training provided to the workers virtually, the workers can perform all the operational activities with utmost confidence and safety.

  • Adaptation to Multiple Circumstances

Sometimes you want to explain to your employees about a certain situation that might happen, but you are not able to correctly demonstrate it due to the limited conventional training approach. Thus, you end up telling employees what might happen after trying to pitch in a theoretical idea of what might happen. AR VR training for manufacturing eliminates such limitations and deals with these issues easily. Employers can customize the situations in a virtual setting and apply the theoretical idea they want their employees to understand.

  • Substantial Reduction in Training Costs

As manufacturing is the kind of sphere in which one wrong move can lead to a big amount of expenses, and the traditional training techniques in this field are pretty expensive, employers can incorporate AR VR training for manufacturing. Without the need to cut corners anywhere, industry frontline worker training with AR VR can save you a lot of money and make the whole process cheaper.  It even does not require any training consultants because the employees themselves need to learn digitally.

The Upshot

Nowadays, more and more manufacturing units are incorporating AR VR training for manufacturing to improve their efficiency and quality of workforce training. And in order to cope up with the restrictions of the unprecedented pandemic, there’s never been a better time to switch to virtual reality training in manufacturing industry

Friday 31 January 2020

Industry 4.0 The New Necessity For Industries

The business environment is rapidly transforming towards digitization. Almost everyone is fascinated about the latest technological trends such as Smart Manufacturing, the Internet of Things, Machine Learning, etc.  And with market competition rising high, it has become clear to us that the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0 is the new necessity for the industrial sector. 

The implementation of Industry 4.0 contributes to flexibility, agility, higher revenues, efficient production, and much more to the business. With digital technologies being efficiently utilized in Industry 4.0, the industrial sector focuses on quickly adopting the market changes and providing more personalized products to its customers. In this resource, we will discuss how Industry 4.0 is the new necessity for your business entity and learn about its principles. Why Is Industry 4.0 The New Necessity For Industries? In order to completely prove the point, let us compare the traditional industrial approach with smart manufacturing concepts.

Conventional Industrial Approach

Industry 4.0

Stiff working environment

Flexible and independent

Cost reduction

Revenue and profit maximization

Bulk production of specific products

Smart and flexible production at effective costs

Flow production

Producing as per customer demands

Manually controlled machines

Interoperable machines/systems

Decision making

Efficient decision making with real-time analysis

What Are Industry 4.0 Principles?
  • Interconnectivity: Scanners, RFID Tags, Sensors, and more such technical devices are used in the warehouse of an industry. These devices generate significant data that can be efficiently utilized with the interoperability of these devices. The integration of this data among various devices provides better decision-making ability to the operators. It also extends the lifespan of equipment through effective machine maintenance.
  • Real-time Analysis:  With Big Data technology, Industry 4.0 gathers and analyses information which helps in processing side by side results of the ongoing operations, providing better control over multiple processes, and improving the monitoring process. Collecting real-time data from IoT enabled devices helps in effectively monitoring the equipment and machines.
  • Machine Assistance: Machine Assistance or Technical Assistance deals with administering complicated tasks to cyber-enabled systems so that these can be completed in less time.
  • Decentralization: This principle of Industry 4.0 focuses on enabling the machines and systems to independently perform the desired tasks. The industries dealing with mass production can utilize this principle for effective customization of their products.
  • Virtualized Operations: Virtualizing is the most effective principle of Industry 4.0. It comprises of various technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing, Big Data Technology, etc. With the Internet of Things rapidly expanding its approaches, virtualization in Industry 4.0 will continue to grow.
  • Adaptability: The future is uncertain and so is the business environment. Therefore, it becomes significant for the industries to adapt to the rapid changes in the market. In a conventional scenario, a week is needed for businesses to change their production quantity as per the market changes. Whereas, Smart Manufacturing provides modularity to the business. It becomes comparatively easy for Industry 4.0 enabled businesses to smoothly adjust to market trends.

Yeppar’s Industry 4.0 | About The Company 

We at Yeppar, provide various Industry 4.0 Use Cases and Solutions to our esteemed list of clientele. Our Industry 4.0 solutions include Automation, Internet of Things (IoT), Computer Vision, Troubleshooting, and much more. The effectual services that we deliver provide timely solutions to various businesses. Consequently, our eminent clients deliberately adopt Industry 4.0 Solutions that we provide.

Thursday 3 October 2019

Mixed Reality Headset Units Available in Indian Market

Mixed Reality headset is the core of this technology which makes an individual experience this innovative technology. MR headsets are available in India.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Augmented Reality in Automotive Industry in India | Augmented Reality Automobiles


Yeppar offers augmented reality in automobile industry in India with which you would be able to take a test drive, look at its features, and see the road from driver's perspective without going out of home. Augmented reality offers a real environment where you would feel everything happening live.

Monday 2 September 2019

AR Company for Education & Classroom | Augmented Reality Education Agency

Yeppar is the best, reliable and cost effective partner if you are looking for Augmented Reality technology provider for education. Augmented Reality Education has a vast scope and possibilities.