Wednesday 11 October 2017

Why AR/VR/MR is Now Essential for Corporate Training Program- Yeppar?

As we are blowing with technology storm, we are not too far where we will be sooner addictive towards technology for all our day to day work; however, we still have a lot of our work dependency towards automation. But the way technology is growing it will rapidly transform the entire progression of life.

The training process for any organization is more hazardous towards safe and skilful learning. Altogether transferring talent from one generation to another is still a challenging task. As per the report, most of the large economies have spent 10 to 12% of the budget in training every year wherever India is far behind for providing appropriate training to their employees and limited to 1-2% budget annually.

Yeppar for Innovative Solutions

skills are genuine resources for any association which assuming a crucial part in overseeing worldwide notoriety of a brand wherein long and old techniques of giving training are less captivating and not fitting outcome situated as books and notes are not in any case intriguing towards length specialized procedures wherein some place its essentially prerequisite of digital training material with less paper and physical instruments.

How Yeppar is revolutionizing the Industrial training sector?

Yeppar gives shrewd innovative solutions to the training enterprises. With the AR/VR/MR advancements, it is been achievable for the enterprises to put more an incentive to their training programs. A trainee will be more intrigued towards learning process through Augmented/virtual/Mixed reality learning material because of its connecting with and fascinating substance which is most helpful for time and cost investment funds.

augmented reality automotive industry

AR/VR/MR obscures the line between the physical and computerized domains. It breathes life into PC created designs, superimposing images, animated videos on what the trainee really observes. The potential for AR/VR/MR as an extreme preparing instrument is just as constrained as your creative ability, particularly when you mix it with worker joint effort, field tests, and introductions. AR empowers a level of imagination and proficiency in the training method that organizations still can't seem to accomplish.


Time and cost saving: 

The old structure of email and PowerPoint presentations are old tactics to be followed as this takes too much time to execute and less employee engagement. It will be easiest and revolutionary for Indian industries wherein less awareness about training procedures resulted in less skilled manpower and it is always behind towards organization growth in this competitive edge. Where AR/VR/MR is a happy medium for training procedures.

Improve production:

 Integrating the new technologies to the business and offering innovative and impressive business intelligence to the employees are always being paid and in terms of efficiency, collaboration and implementation. Providing your employees with the power of these technologies will drastically boost the energy level of the team which leads towards overall growth of an organization.

Feasibility for Remote Workforce:

Yeppar’s innovative technology can take the remote manpower further than existing procedures and tools can. It will be more feasible for your remote workforce to put with your in-house team who are working on the project. Bringing the team together from across the globe will be more fruitful for an organization to provide training session in one go for all.

Be ahead in rivalry:

With the power of the technology, an organization can train their team quickly and efficiently and take the advantage in this competitive era. It will boost workforce to work with latest technologies and they can better perform their jobs and practices which is an industry advantage for the organizations.

Hyper training with AR/VR/MR encourages shorter expectations to absorb information, better-trained employees, and an overall more proficient working environment. Adaption to these technologies in the initial phase will be an advantage for the industry to retain best practices further.

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