Friday 10 November 2017

How Augmented Reality Marketing Solutions are revolutiozing the brand promotion stratagem

Every company in the world is using one tool for promotion. The tool which companies, an entrepreneur, or a small businessman uses to make a good sale is Marketing. 

What is marketing in common language? 

Marketing helps to push the sales and creating a strategy to increase business. The strategies to sell are in use from traditional marketing era where one can buy a good in exchange for other good and the market sitting took place once or twice in the town. The time changes, people start selling goods in their own society and in exchange took whatever needed to them.

Augmented Reality Marketing

On such basis, the people start opening shops, start promoting their goods and item to sell in different manners, like loudspeaker announcements, pamphlet distribution, poster pasting on street wall etc. These all are the way of traditional marketing and comes under marketing strategies. 

But the era changes from traditional to electronics where people start promoting their business, goods and services of Radio, television, print media and all other electronic gadgets. And now strategies change from electronics to digital marketing methodology.

How Digital Marketing helps in Business?

Digital Marketing is the latest technology where a businessman is able to promote himself on Online platform worldwide. With the use of the Internet, digital marketing is able to expand one’s business and help to reach targeted audience only.

As we know, with the increase in competition, business is difficult to survive if not adopting the current technologies and making existing clients engaged with our company only depends on behaviour and services. Price is also one factor but is secondary. 

So what one will do to survive in the current scenario of tough competition business? How can one able to choose a correct audience and reach to them? In the monitor technique, R&D is the methodology one can try but it is time-consuming and money flowing. So, what comes to dissolve all these hurdles are using latest technology and strategy?
Digital marketing strategy includes email marketing, social media marketing, mobile marketing, website visit and many others. From all digital strategy, the latest marketing tools come in the industry is Augmented Reality. 

Augmented Reality Marketing mix computerized data by generating a 3D image of the product and a user can visualize real-time experience.
As we see in cricket match, when bowler appeals to umpire to give out on LBW (leg before wicket) but umpire is confused, the method used by management team or third umpire which shows, if ball passes through leg pads it will hit the stumps or not, is with the help of Augmented Reality technology. 

What happens if this kind of technology is used for marketing purpose? 

Augmented Reality in Marketing is a presentation tool to give a real-time experience by a company to their clients. In all marketing manners, Augmented Realitymarketing is applicable. Where in real estate a client is able to see actual look of flat, on another side, restaurant can use Augmented Reality marketing to present their meal to their guest before getting the order. 

Similarly, marketing by Augmented Reality will also help a business to provide detail information to their clients with less expenditure. An automobile industry by using Augmented Reality marketing solution, can able to give detail knowledge about their car by an image on newspaper or on their own website. A viewer can experience the luxurious look of the car, can feel the space, able to visualize the engine fittings and whatever a user wants to see. 

Yeppar is an Augmented Reality marketing solution provider

It helps the business in providing better solutions with AR technology. As mentioned above, now days augmented reality marketing is a booming marketing tool, Yeppar comes up with marketing solutions in every sector whether it is real estate, Restaurant, Print media, Education and so on.
Augmented Reality marketing is accepted by many industries and was in boom from the mobile game Pokémon Go. After that game, industries start showing their products and services directly through the image and a user or client can experience the real image. 

Not only is to increase business but adopting new technology also a trend in today’s market. Where BMW is using Augmented Reality marketing as a tool for promotion, many game providers are also coming up with this strategy. 

Television manufacturers are using augmented reality as a marketing tool, by providing headset gadgets and the viewers can play games on their TV  with 3D visualization. 

Augmented Reality marketing is now accepted in every sector. It is a future of business.

Source : ClickHere

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